New Idol for Muslim : Fatih Seferagic


Have you ever heard of his name?
            He isn’t an actor, singer or enternainer. He isn’t as popular as Justin Bieber or Robert Pattinson. But some people said that his face is like Robert Pattinson. He is just an Ordinary boy. Yes, his name is Fatih Seferagic, my best idol ever. He is young Qari from USA.
            I think that Fatih is a genious boy. He is young but can memorize 30 section of Al-quran. Maybe if we look at his face, we can’t believe if he is a Qari. And, as a teenager, he loves playing game, ice skating, writing, reading, study language, philosophy, and psychology. He is also has social media account, such as Facebook and twitter.



            Bagiku bahasa itu jurusan yang spesial, karena tidak semua SMA di Indonesia memiliki jurusan ini. Tapi beberapa orang menganggap, karena tidak ada peminatnya. Aku tidak peduli dengan banyak anggapan seperti itu.



            Sejak kecil aku ingin menjadi Ilmuwan. Diantara banyak temanku yang rata-rata ingin menjadi Guru, Dokter, Polisi, hanya aku saja yang memiliki cita-cita ingin menjadi seorang Ilmuwan.

Hidup gue ga semudah ngarang novel

ya Tuhan, kirimkan seseorang yang bisa memberi semangat buat aku supaya lanjut lagi nulis novel GKIM yang sudah terbengkalai sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu :'( . bukan masalah bisa diterima di penerbit atau tidak, tapi masalahnya ni novel booming banget di kalangan temanku :'(. tidak perlulah menerbitkan novel, asal orang-orang yang membaca sudah seneng, itu sudah lebih dari cukup God.

The Little Girl is a Monster (Photo)


I saw a photo, there is a little girl who sat flanked by her father and mother. She is very cute and pretty, but I don"t know who is she.
I just found the photo from my warehouse , yesterday my mom and I clean up our warehouse. I asked my mother, who is she ?. But she replied that she did not know anything. Maybe she was the first occupant of my house, because my family and I just moved here from Jakarta.

Prince Charming


just the way you are. everything about you :) its so beautiful, thanks for coloring my day. whereever you are, i always love you and adore you.

Clever Jack Takes the Cake


When poor little Jack is invited to the Princess’ birthday party, he can’t imagine why. What could he possibly bring as a present that would please the Princess? But Jack is a clever, resourceful little guy, and he bakes the Princess the most beautiful, delicious cake the world has ever seen and sets off by foot for the fiesta. Tragedy strikes in the form of crows, trolls, bears…a whole menagerie who eat and ruin his gorgeous cake. So when Jack finally arrives, empty-handed, at the party, he has nothing for her but the tale of the hungry forest creatures and the ill-fated baked good.  Surprisingly, his story, told so vividly and entertainingly, is the Princess’ favorite present. Which just goes to show you that a good story beats out a cake any day of the week. (Unless of course it’s a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting in which case we may have to make some adjustments.